ⓒ Yoon, Joonhwan
YG Republique
YG Republique is at once a commercial complex that belongs to the Jeju Shinwha World Resort Development Project and a K-Pop Community & Commercial Multiplex which participates in the secondary band business for one of the South Korea’s largest entertainment agents. The multiplex is a cluster of six single-story buildings that includes a newly constructed building and five remodeled ones on its site area of 12,000㎡ and is situated at the center of the resort which links up theme park, water park, resort, and mall. The project has developed or is still working on the spatial products for artists affiliated with the agent. With the symbolic round café & lounge at the center of the plaza, the biggest building with bowling & pub that incorporates recreational facilities and cultural facilities on the far left is followed by different facilities such as food courts and shops to the right.
How should we convert temporal properties of videos and music into three-dimensional space?
Has there been any example of an architectural portrayal of the identity of a local or international entertainment agent? Is it possible to apply the intangible content of music to architecture/space?
The answers to these questions start with a very simple idea. Since architecture serves as a canvas that carries the diverse contents of the agent and its artists, the first figurative idea could be the stage screen. It will be about creating a 3D structure out of the 2D screen by placing it in series or in a circular fashion and presenting a rhythmical acoustic vista by flexing multiple elements such as size, portion, and color change. Especially, the round café at the center directly applies the new design developed from an image of a broken CD into architecture. This symbolizes the philosophy of the agent and the artist which is ‘always pursuing novelty’.
'Music stays close to the public, whereas artists (stars) stay away from it'.
'Music stays close to the public, whereas architecture stays away from it'.
Ironically, pop music enables easy listening and interaction with a lot of people, but the unidirectional communication through audiovisual media keeps widening the gap between the artists and the public. The key point of this project lies in clearly delivering the messages of the artist and the agent to people and actualizing bidirectional and intermediate architecture which the public can easily understand and access to.
'Publicness is not given but created'.
In a capitalist country, actualizing publicness in commercial architecture makes a very difficult and important task. This project, which creates basic public spaces such as the plaza and the circular line of movement with an open arrangement, is designed to ensure more active communication with permeating kind of design principle and architecture. By establishing the identity of the project that keeps up with the globalization of K-Pop and ensuring the public access to it, we hope to create a new public activity site that can give birth to new public values.
Jeju, Korea
Commercial Facility
A-point architects
Lee juhyung, KIRA
Site Area
Bldg Area
Gross Area
Bldg Scope
12,000 ㎡
1,943.69 ㎡
1,943.69 ㎡
B1, 1 F